Tuesday, April 07, 2009


别说其它,聚会一大清早,我就已经准备好所有的东西,那个臭-1竟然迟到!!!!! 为了不要让上一次的事件发生,我死守前面的位子,不给臭人坐。





At night hor, we then go YYY house. Although 80% of our conversation is “lung word”, but still, I can sense the friendship between us, it feels so real and nice, like we have not been separated at all. We still care for each other a lot, the greatest prove for this is, we REALLY concern about YYY’s height. Though we had found some clues to why she is so short, it still remains mystery, and I believe, 20 years from now, it will still be one of the topic we will discuss about when we gather…(don’t kill me ah YYY)

It is also nice to talk about our memories, how we went through endless tests and journey, how we were kacau-ed by the jiao lians, how we “made friends” with each other by using candles karam brought…

Kei Kei ah Kei Kei, don’t get angry or envious ah, we all DIDN’T call you on purpose to tell you how much fun we were having one…don’t eat glass ah, after -1 cry..


YJ said...

what o?
want me cry, u slow slow wait

erm, like ur story

Howard said...


yyy said...

i angry d..hng!