Sunday, February 17, 2013


When you see this, remember to keep quiet, keep really quiet.

We are planning to celebrate _________'s birthday(see, so clever, I don't write the name, he/she won't know, he/she won't suspect because I didn't reveal his/her gender).

But, how to celebrate leh?

I don't know!!! That's why.....I have a plan, no, plans.

Plan A: ddhnj29eaedndkjcnsdchdsiofjdsfvsv......get it?
Plan B: Like that loh, understand?
Plan C: When both A and B fail, we go for this, but the details.......spontaneous lah~

OK, so now everybody except birthday boy/girl understand right?

Oh, one more, please make sure he/she doesn't see this until tomorrow.


YJ said...

so is macam mana ==

ALI MANAGO said...

vidzai you can give him a 'five', hug him, and shake his hand. (as what you plan to do with kk).

Amy 仔 said...


Howard said...

You make it!
The person really read this after 18 Feb.