Monday, August 22, 2011

Broga Hill

Weather was great, I mean how sunny could it be at 5am in the morning?
Cool breeze, nice tracks, except for the wrong routes we took, and miraculously, or maybe it was because of my holiness, there was hardly any mosquitoes!

"Who planned this trip??"

OK, that was a common question everybody asked, maybe not everybody, but hey guys I can read minds, you must have said something like that in your minds! And you know what, the first person who said this was Howard, let me clarify, he DID NOT plan this trip, I swear.

It felt like the old days, where we would trek mountains in our uniform, pant and complain,joke and laugh, and the good thing about this trip was that there wasn't awkwardness amongst us, despite of the long time of absence of each of us in our lives, friendship was there all the time. Sorry if Zoe slowed us down, and even sorrier if I slowed her down, haha! Seeing how Howard get along with kids, I'm guessing we would have few of his ones running along a couple of years later, that would be a great time to take revenge, mua ha ha ha!!!!

Well, we did not get to see sunrise, but we all knew it wasn't the ultimate reason we were there, you know what I mean(nope not his fiancee).

To end this report of the Wind And Sun Beauitful trip we had, I wanna say thank you to you guys for spending your precious time reading crap, yay!!


YenWei said...

wah.. :') so heartfelt la...

yyy said...

yeah.. XP
by the way, who's the organiser??

Howard said...

"Seeing how Howard get along with kids..."
Please try to explain how and when it happen?

"...first person who said this was Howard, let me clarify, he DID NOT plan this trip, I swear. "
Since your and my creditability is negative, please don't clarify anymore.